Wednesday, June 13, 2007

No Bag Thanks

In 2007, making conscious decisions as consumers is critical to the long term viability of our planet. These decisions can be about issues as diverse as:

-- What Stocks to buy.
-- Which Gas Station to use to fill your tank?
-- What Car to Buy?
-- Local produce or whatever hits your grocer's shelves?
-- Plastic Bag or re-usable bag?

There are many more choices, more than I am likely to come up with on my own. The purpose of this Blog will be to create a forum for review of these choices and the potential impact. I hope to get feedback on what topics to explore.

-- Peter

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Recently, my wife heard from a close friend that they were buying a Toyota Prius. Since my wife has been thinking more and more about the environment and how we can play our part, she immediately called me to say she wanted to buy a Prius as well. I asked her if she knew what a Prius looked like and she quickly responded "NO IDEA." I suggested she take a look on Toyota's website before she makes a final decision. As I expected, the Prius is now off the list of potential next cars. We're still interested in a Hybid but it will be a different make and/or model.

The Plastic versus Re-Usable shopping bag issue is gaining global momentum. Supermarkets around the world are starting to sell inexpensive (about a dollar and less)re-usable bags and a number of supermarkets in the US are following this trend. Of course most consumers are still using the Plastic "T-Shirt" bags because it's so easy. Next step will be Supermarkets charging for the plastic bags to encourage the reusable ones (revenue in selling the reusable and cost savings from using fewer plastic ones). Legislation is also on the way.
